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Garage Door Track Replacement: Vital Things to Know

Your garage door is crucial; thus, keeping it in good condition is essential. One of the aspects that often needs attention is the garage door track. Over time, these tracks can become damaged or misaligned, leading to door operation issues. This blog will discuss everything you need about garage door track replacement to ensure your garage door functions smoothly and safely.

Why Do Garage Door Tracks Need Replacement?

Garage door tracks are essential for the smooth operation of your door. They guide the rollers that help raise and lower the door, ensuring it moves up and down evenly. Over time, several factors can lead to the need for garage door track replacement:

  1. Wear and Tear: Continuous use and exposure to adverse elements can cause the tracks to degrade and wear down, resulting in dents, cracks, or warping.

  1. Misalignment: The tracks must be perfectly aligned for the door to function correctly. Any misalignment can cause the door to jam or become difficult to operate.

  1. Rust and Corrosion: If your tracks are made of metal and not adequately protected from moisture, they can rust and corrode over time, affecting their functionality.

  2. Accidental Damage: Accidents occur; sometimes, a car or other objects can crash with the garage door tracks, causing damage. Calling professional technicians is important to rectify the issue.

Signs That Your Garage Door Tracks Need Replacement

Identifying the need for garage door track replacement is crucial to prevent further damage and ensure your door operates safely. Look out for these signs:

  1. Noisy Operation: If your garage door suddenly becomes noisy during operation, it may be due to damaged or misaligned tracks.

  1. Uneven Movement: Does your garage door move unevenly or get stuck in certain spots while opening or closing? It is a clear indication that your tracks may be compromised.

  1. Visible Damage: Examine the tracks closely for dents, cracks, or warping. Even minor damage can affect the door's operation.

  1. Difficulty Opening or Closing: If you're struggling to open or close your garage door smoothly, it's time to inspect the tracks. Such issues can escalate if not addressed on time. Contact the expert garage door track replacement mechanics and fix the problem.

  1. Rust and Corrosion: Check for signs of rust or corrosion on metal tracks. It can weaken the structure and lead to further issues.

  1. Misalignment: Visually inspect the tracks to ensure they are properly aligned. Misaligned tracks can cause the door to go off track and potentially fall so contact the technicians to fix them.


Garage door track replacement is a crucial maintenance task that ensures your garage door's smooth and safe operation. By recognizing the signs of track damage and following the proper replacement process, you can prevent further issues and extend the life of your garage door. If you're uncomfortable with DIY repairs or if the damage is extensive, it's advisable to seek professional help to ensure the job is done correctly and safely. Regular maintenance and timely track replacement will keep your garage door in top-notch condition, providing security and convenience for years. Contact ADS Garage Doors LLC to replace the garage door track at your home or office. The company's specialists have the expertise and advanced tools to replace it effortlessly.

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